Wednesday, October 14, 2009

To induce or not to induce

Today my doctor and I had a discussion on when to induce and when not to. I feel like I am in learning a lot from him, both in things that I don't want to do as a doctor and things I do want to do (if that makes any sense!). Today he tried to talk two women out of induction. Both women are in their 39th week of pregnancy and are having a miserable time, at least that is what they both said last week and this week. In fact, one of the women starting crying today saying she just wanted the baby already! Both asked him if he could induce them. With both he told them he would rather wait until the baby came naturally on its own terms. He told them that natural labor compared to induction is easier and better for mom and baby. He said if natural labor is 100% good then induction is only about 30%. He said some other things to them but it didn't matter. Both wanted to be induced, so I have two inductions tomorrow! Afterwards we discussed the whole induction thing. He says he tries to talk women out of it but what can you do when a woman, your patient, is asking you and begging you to induce her. The hospital I am at has an induction rate of ... 80%! He said that is just crazy and doesn't understand why it is so high. He says he does his best not to give in. He says if a woman really just wants to have the baby because she is being 'broken down' by the pregnancy then he will but only after 39 weeks. He says anyone who does anything before that point is really endangering the baby and its health. We even read an article together on induction and elective C's before 39 weeks and how much worse the baby's stats are compared to after 39 weeks. He says he is really ashamed of some of his fellow OB's. I can't blame him. I feel like he is a good doctor and does the best that he can but in the city we are in/state we are in the people are just a certain way and follow tradition..or what they see everyone else doing. If everyone else they know got induced, they want that too. It is frustrating but you need to make your patients happy as well as healthy which is a balance in this case. I just hope I can be firm in not allowing this when I become a doctor and have my own practice but I know I will have to be able to make money and I hope that not inducing will not be a problem.