Wednesday, October 28, 2009

sleep sleep

I am currently on Radiology, which is pretty awesome I must say, however, you have hardly any interactions with other people! I have fallen asleep, well almost, the last three days. It is hard to sit in a dark room like that for hours and nod off especially when you aren't doing much! The doc I am with is great. He is really funny but just not much of a people person. Today he asked me what my top five albums were since he says he can learn a lot about someone based one what music they listen. I totally agree with that since I am such a huge fan of music myself! He also keeps trying to talk me out of being an OB (in a joking way!). He says..why would you do that to yourself? They have a horrible lifestyle! I have a great a radiologist! He has also told me that he really can't stand talking to patients and hearing about their problems and that third year was the worse year of medical school for him since he actually had to talk to patients...good thing you are a radiologist buddy! He is a really cool guy though. He doesn't really have social skills though! If you had more patient interaction with radiology I might actually consider it...but since you really don't, I don't think I could handle that for the rest of my life!

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