Thursday, October 1, 2009

I dont even have words..

of how disappointed I am! I am currently on my OB/GYN rotation. I love is what I want to be I think. I, however, am hating my rotation. It has nothing to do with OB itself. It has nothing to do with OB has everything to do with my attending. I can't stand him and it has only been 4 days! So here it is

The second I walk into the office on Monday morning I smell something weird but don't think anything of it at the time. I wait around for an hour til my doc finally shows up...why no doctor can be on time is beyond me and why all of them are at least 30 min late! I hope I am somewhat on time! Anyways, I start talking to my doctor, he seems okay. We go to see a patient and joke...says to the patient "well, you know women can't do anything without a man so...". I say to myself okay is this doc going to be one of those guys? The day goes on, he pimps me a lot, I talk to the staff etc. Pretty normal stuff. Then I am talking to him in his office and he LIGHTS UP A CIG and starts smoking. In his office. in his OB/GYN office! No wonder I smelled something! This is a. illegal b. unethical c. not safe for his patients or office workers! I get up and leave the room. Since then he has said stuff like Male docs are superior to Female docs blah blah blah. He also told an 18 year old today ..who has 2 kids already that she should get preg and not take birth control because he doesn't think women should take BC since they are meant to have children! Who would advise that??? Who??? So frustrated because I cant do anything. Can't say anything. AHHHHH. This is horrible. I want to tell someone but who? I need to talk to my advisor about this to see if I can somehow switch to someone else's service. I hope I can. I also want to tell on him..but how and to whom? He should not be smoking.

any advice?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, no. That is my worst nightmare.

    I would probably say something to you institution, especially about the smoking. They should not knowingly send students to be exposed to that, and if it is illegal, they may be liable if they had prior knowledge.

    As for the other horrid comments about women and about birth control, I wish they were illegal. You institution may care, ethically, if it was an ideal world. You may want to mention those incidents, too.
