Thursday, October 8, 2009

a complete 180

yes! the school is great and has given me an OB that is great. He has his negatives too but I really am enjoying him. He loves to teach which is great.

My current OB/GYN attending did his residency at Yale and was even chief resident there so he knows his stuff and loves to teach which is great. He told me he agrees with VBACs but he can't do them at the hospital since they don't allow them. He has said to me a lot that labor is natural and should happen naturally...but his patients ask him so much to be induced that he does but not til 39 weeks...ugh I can't believe the patients that do this! I can't believe he does it and lets his patients do it too! He does not do elective C-sections. He actually had a woman last week who was in labor in +1 that would not push. She actually said no when he asked her to push..he said you can push this baby out in like three pushes or less and she said nope I will not push. He said well I will have to section you and she said yep I know so do it! ahhhh I couldn't believe it! He is also very pro breast feeding and has no information in his office for formula or anything like that which is great! He has a great relationship with a lactation consultant in the same building as well. I am doing so much better in my new office and am loving it! We have a lady in labor now..she has been for almost 3 days! I am hoping she will deliver tonight so I can see it!

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