Tuesday, October 13, 2009

my first call!

Today I was called to the hospital for my first emergency. A 35 year woman in labor at the hospital, I was so excited! She had had two previous vaginal births both almost 9 pounds. However, she was breech in this delivery. Our hospital doesn't allow breech births really unless there is "no way to stop it to do a c-section"..sucks I know!! Well, they let her labor for awhile but off to the OR she went eventually. The c-section went great. When the doc pulled the baby out I was like WHOA that is a big baby! Almost 10 pounds! Crazy! Too bad she wasn't able to deliver vaginally because of the breech (stupid hospital rules!). Even my doc says the hospital rules really bothers him sometimes because he feels like a lot of his patients could deliver vaginally (he means mostly VBACS I think) if the hospital would allow it. I think the other hospital in town does offer VBAC deliveries but I am not sure...but a lot more people deliver there I know.

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